Hi, you can free download APK file "com.dhyasistani" for your iball Slide 3G Q45, apk file version is 5.3.0 to download to your iball Slide 3G Q45 just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files
Screenshosts of com.dhyasistani
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
  • DHY Asistanı
Description of DHY Asistanı

What does DHY Assistant offer to physicians?

1- The 'DHY Preference Simulation' module, which allows you to make your DHY preferences much healthier
2- The 'Prescription Assistant' module that you will not lose in your DHY duty
3- The 'Market' module, which offers discount codes to access DHY books at affordable prices
4- Detailed information about the staff you are considering 'Surveys' module that offers
5- City preference groups for communication during the DHY preference process

Terms of Use:

KVKK Clarification Text:

Version history DHY Asistanı
New in com.dhyasistani 5.3.0

New in com.dhyasistani 5.1.0
Version: 5.1.0
- Application-wide interface improvements have been made.
- Performance improvement has been provided.
New in com.dhyasistani 5.0.0
Version: 5.0.0
- Application infrastructure has been renewed.
- Improved performance.
New in com.dhyasistani 4.3
Version: 4.3
- Improvements have been made to the preference simulation.
- Interface improvements were made throughout the application.
New in com.dhyasistani 4.2
Version: 4.1
- Interface improvements were made throughout the application.
New in com.dhyasistani 1.0
İlk Sürüm
- DHY Tercih Simülasyonu
- Reçete Asistanı
- Market (İndirim Kodları)
- DHY Anketleri
- Blog
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